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SOWIC Education Center

The SOWIC Education Center is committed to providing a strong foundation of academic and social experiences that will allow students to learn respect for themselves and others, take personal responsibility for their choices, and gain a sense of accomplishment and self-worth.

The goals of the SOWIC Education Center are to assist each student in realizing more mature functioning through individualized programming in all areas (i.e. academic, emotional, and social). To this end, staff will work with students in teaching personal responsibility, self-control, effective problem-solving, and independent functioning strategies.

The SOWIC Education Center combines positive reinforcement, therapeutic intervention, and a consistent behavior support plan to help change behavior. Positive behaviors are acknowledged immediately through the use of verbal praise, and the point/level system. Immediate consequences for inappropriate behavior include verbal cueing, role modeling, and the use of the point/level system. Each student also has an Individual Education Program (I.E.P.) designed specifically to suit his/her emotional as well as academic needs.